Alan & Luca HR
A professional personnel policy. That ensures motivated employees.
Broad HR services at all levels
Do you require an interim HR professional for a specific project or are you looking for an HR strategist with a progressive outlook? From the role that best suits your business, we can support you optimally in various HR activities. In-house or remotely, we will quickly know our way around. That way, we draft a personnel policy that empowers your employees as well as your business.
At Alan & Luca, we see the distinctive value of your employees. To create a fitting HR policy, we support you in the area of advice, policy development and execution. From arranging the payroll administration, managing recruitment and selection to drafting a professional personnel policy that complies with all legislation and regulations.

Minding your people, is minding your business
From HR advice to operational plan
A keen eye for people and business. That is the basis for corporate success. We provide a professional personnel policy that matches your mission, your vision and your strategy. That is how we not only create a stable
foundation, but also how we place the people in your business at center stage. That provides trust in your business and makes for committed employees.
Recruitment and selection
The right person in the right place? It all starts with a fitting initial interview and a streamlined recruitment and selection process. Our focus is on finding the optimal match. From fixed recruitment and selection packages, recruitment campaigns, selection interviews to technical in-depth interviews for HR, finance and child care. At Alan & Luca, we are committed to you and your business and ready to help.
HR service desk
No permanent adviser on staff, but you have a pressing personnel issue? Spar remotely with one of our professionals and flexibly acquire the necessary knowledge. We quickly find an answer to your question, read along and prepare the desired HR document. You can deploy us for reintegration processes, file reviews, employment contracts and job descriptions, among other things.
HR interim
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Parttime HR services
Would you rather outsource certain HR activities or not have an internal HR department? With our parttime HR services, we structurally or incidentally take the desired tasks off your hands. Our HR professionals provide remote support with various issues and activities. Based on our professional and people-oriented approach, we easily move along with you.
HR project services
Want to properly manage the HR projects within your business? From support in the field of reorganization, job classification system, culture programs, terms of employment, competence management, employee satisfaction surveys and providing organizational advice, to the drafting of HR regulations and a professional personnel policy. We take you further. Remotely or in-house
Confidential adviser
Want to create a safe working environment? In addition to the fact that the Working Conditions Act obliges employers to implement a policy against undesirable behavior, it is also desirable to guarantee the feeling of safety and trust within your business. Our competent confidential advisers provide an objective view and report annually. This provides you with the opportunity to further optimize the working climate.
Payroll and personnel administration
Do you want to save time when it comes to payroll and personnel administration? We take care of this complex, time-consuming job. Our payroll specialists have all the necessary knowledge about the mandatory laws and regulations in the field of payroll taxes and social insurance. We also shed light on a wide range of payroll issues. From the collective labor agreements, salaries, legislative changes, pension payments to employment contracts. We are here for you.
Need an HR professional in your business?
Progressive, thorough & personal
Professionals within the HR world
At Alan & Luca we are ready for every business from every sector. Do you work in the childcare sector? Then we would like to refer you to our independent label Van Hek en Lelieveld HR Kinderopvang (childcare). We use our large, high-quality network within this sector specifically for recruitment & selection assignments. Since 2008, we have been able to assist more than 120 childcare organisations with various issues and challenges in the field of HR.